Tomarket airdrop | Claim free $TOMATO

Tomarket airdrop

Tomarket airdrop backed by Bitget Wallet and ForsightX is now live. Tomarket is a decentralised marketplace for new crypto assets where people can buy and sell the latest asset classes. Join now.

Is Tomarket Airdrop legit or a scam?

Tomarket airdrop bot is one of the popular games on Telegram. It has not been reported that Tomarket is a scam or legit by any trusted authority. Check the list of scam airdrops.

How to participate in the Tomarket airdrop

  1. Open the Tomarket airdrop now.
  2. Allow to open on the Telegram app.
  3. Tap the “Play” button.
  4. Allow it to load.
  5. Tap to break the egg.
  6. Keep tapping to earn more rewards.
  7. Perform tasks and refer friends to earn more.

See trending Telegram airdrop bots and the 7 tools for smart airdrop hunters. Read more below.

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About Dragonland Airdrop

Tomarket is a decentralised marketplace for new crypto assets where people can buy and sell the latest asset classes.

Following the game launch, Tomarket is set to unveil its TON and Telegram-based web3 marketplace for emerging assets, including RWA, crypto bond rates, points, and pre-TGE assets. To this end, the company recently announced fresh funding from Bitget Wallet and Foresight X.

Bitget Wallet COO Alvin Kan commented, “We are very optimistic about the vast market of the TON and Telegram ecosystem. Tomarket is a highly promising project within this ecosystem, and we look forward to more collaborations in the future.”

  • Token supply: N/A
  • Airdrop Allocation:  N/A
  • Tokens Per Claim: N/A
  • Airdrop Ends: N/A
  • Network: TON
  • Ticker: N/A
  • Contract: N/A
  • Website: Tomarket
  • Whitepaper: N/A.
  • Social Media Handles: Available: Twitter | Facebook | Telegram | WhatsApp

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