Pi Network KYC Validator | Meaning And Eligibility Criteria

Pi KYC validator

Pi Network KYC Validator:  Want to validate other Pi network users and earn more Pi? Then becoming a Pi Network KYC validator is ideal for you. Learn everything you need to know about being a Pi KYC validator including what a Pi KYC validator is, the benefits of being a KYC validator, eligibility criteria, how to apply, when to apply and how to get selected.

Interestingly, Pi KYC validation takes place in the Pi browser and only those who have completed their KYC verification process can become a validator. More about this on the eligibility criteria section. 

Brief Overview Of Pi Network

Have you heard about Pi Network? It’s an innovative project that lets you mine Pi cryptocurrency on your phone without draining your battery or data usage. The best part is Pi Network has a massive community of millions of people mining Pi cryptocurrency to help expand and enhance the Web3 app ecosystem.

Meaning of A KYC Validator on the Pi Network

The question “Who is a Pi KYC validator?” is common among the community members. This section answers the question. The Pi KYC validator on the Pi Network is the person popularly referred to as a pioneer whose responsibility is to verify and validate other pioneers who have been invited and have submitted their KYC applications.  Pi Network KYC validators are users who have been accepted by the network as having access to the KYC validation process and are responsible for ensuring that the KYC process runs properly and safely based on the working process preset by the Pi Core Team.

Roles Of KYC Validator in Pi Network

  1. The main role of the KYC validator is to verify and validate the identity of the user who has submitted their KYC application for approval.  
  2. KYC validators ensure that all information a user submitted during the KYC verification process is correct and valid.

 Importance of Pi KYC Validator in Maintaining Network Integrity

Every person who registers on the Pi Network must go through a KYC process to ensure that their identity is valid and verified.  KYC validators are responsible for ensuring that this process runs properly and that all users registered with the Pi Network have legal and verified identities.

Eligibility Criteria For KYC Validator

To become a Pi Network KYC validator, the pioneer must have met all the criteria below especially number 1.

  1. The pioneer must have successfully passed his/her KYC verification
  2. Undergo a quick training on KYC validation
  3.  Pass a Pi network KYC validator quiz
  4. Have an active Pi browser

Note that you can only validate applications from your country of residence alone.

Benefits Of Being a Pi Network KYC Validator

The Pi KYC validators enjoy the following benefits among other perks.

  •  Every Pi validator earns extra Pi per successful validation
  • Becomes more relevant in the Pi network community
  • You could help others make it through KYC
  • You earn an equal portion of the 1 Pi they pay to validate. The reward for a validated KYC process is split among all individuals involved in the validation process, usually two.
  • Validating KYC is an active way to contribute to the network’s progress, and more KYC verifications mean more room for the mainnet launch.

Others are currently reading:

  1. Pi Network KYC Application | Fastest Ways To Get Approved
  2. Pi Network KYC Review in Progress | What To Do
  3. Sell Your Pi Coin to Biggest Pi Buyers in Nigeria

 How  to Become a Pi KYC Validator

To apply and become a Pi KYC validator, you need to complete your KYC process successfully. Once done, you can click on the “become validator” button within your kyc.pi app. This will take you to the process of becoming a validator, where you can finally apply to be a KYC validator. To apply, follow the processes below;

  1. Launch your Pi browser and allow it to load completely
  2. Click on the “Kyc.pi”.
  3. Once you click the “kyc.pi” you will be redirected to the KYC app and if the page loads up you will see a notification that will say “Welcome back”. Here you can track your KYC application status.
  4. On your KYC application status click on “Become a validator”. It will show on the screen “As a new KYC validator, you must complete our quick tutorial consisting of 7 questions”. 
  5. Then, click on “next” and it will show “We are glad you want to join our validators team! Here is some information on the process ”.
  6. Then, click on “next” it will show you their terms of service agreement, scroll to the bottom of the page to agree to Pi validators’ terms of service.
  7. Then click on “confirm”. It will show KYC validator training. The estimated time of the training is 5 minutes. Before starting, you need to finish their tutorial for new validators.
  8. Then click “Start tutorial”  then, it will show the tutorial for you to learn it. Make sure you complete the tutorial.
  9. Once you are through with the tutorial, it will show “Congratulations, tutorial completed!” 
  10. They will ask you a little piece to test your skills. It would help if you answered all questions correctly before validating real Pioneers. Then start the quiz.
  11. Once you are through with the quiz, click on “show result” It will show “Congratulations, quiz completed!”
  12. Now you can proceed to “start validating” applications only in your country.

 The Tutorial for Becoming a Pi Network Validator

Once you have completed other steps, the next is training or tutorial. Make sure you complete the tutorial. They are:

  • The first question is based on “document match” matching the right document to the correct one. Once you are through with the document match questions.
  • The next question is “identity match”, matching the right identity with the correct one.
  • The next phase is “Name change” and then, answer the questions.
  • The next phase is “liveness check” to check whether the video is a real human or not.

Financial Incentives And Rewards For KYC Validators on Pi Network

Pi Network offers financial incentives and rewards to KYC validators in the form of Pi for each correctly validated KYC process.  This prize is an incentive for KYC validators to keep network integrity and ensure that the KYC process on the Pi Network runs safely and reliably.

Contribution to the Pi Network Community

It is an active way of contributing to the network’s progress. More people with KYC verification means more room for the Mainnet launch.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is A Pi KYC Validator?

A Pi KYC validator has the official right to carry out and verify other people’s KYC ID documents.

Do Pi KYC validators get paid?

The KYC validator will receive a reward in the form of Pi for each successfully validated KYC process. 

Can I use my NIN for my Pi KYC?

Yes, you can. I tell you for those of you in Nigeria who are using the paper slip for KYC on the Pi network that is a national identity card slip. Just make sure that you download the NIMC directly from your Play Store or App Store and with the use of your national identity card number you can access that very particular card. You can access it and then all you need to do is to make use of that to apply for your KYC.

 And for some of you who don’t get it, there are two options you can get it. It can be on the side of your national identity card which is a virtual digital national identity card or it will be a national identity card slip which is a premium slip so that’s the premium slip requirement for you to pass your KYC not really the paper you have been given when you are processed for your national identity card number.

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