Pi Network KYC Review in Progress | What To Do

Pi Network KYC review in progress is one issue most Pioneers face during the KYC process.  Imagine the situation where you completed the Pi KYC application process only to see the verification status rotating. When you check the Pi browser you see a review in progress. It is a challenging and annoying situation. Oops! But there is a way and a solution around it. That is what this article teaches you.

Previously, we discussed Pi KYC Pending and how to get approved, the Value of Pi Cryptocurrency and its price today, how to sell your Pi coin and how to increase your Pi mining rate to accumulate more Pi tokens before launch.

Interestingly, the Pi network core team recently provided updates on the progress of the KYC project and has shared the upcoming steps that Pioneers can expect in completing their KYC application process and getting them verified. 

Thanks to an improved automation process, the Pi Network team is now able to KYC millions of Pioneers at an incredible pace. One of their primary goals is to assist users who are currently in the KYC process to complete it without any hassle.

The KYC progression involves enhancing and expanding the process while also simplifying it for users. Additionally, the team is working to remove the backlog of stuck applications.

For all Pioneers, the KYC process is an essential step to move the Pi tokens to the Pi Mainnet which is still on the enclosed system. The Pi Network team has highlighted three main areas of focus for the KYC progress:

  • Enhance the KYC app
  • Increase and speed up KYC for the growing number of Pi users
  • Improve communication with users undergoing the KYC process

About Pi Network Cryptocurrency

Pi Network is a cryptocurrency where users mine Pi coins through their mobile phones. As Pi Network is not officially listed for trade on any exchanges, its value is costly.

Reasons for KYC

KYC which simply stands for Know Your Customer is a process that helps organizations to identify and verify their customers by carrying out customer due diligence and identity verification, thus the risk of working with people or illegal activities is minimized. This is particularly required by Pi Network and other financial organizations that are frequently targeted by fraudsters.

Pi KYC helps Pi Network to understand and manage potential risks during the customer onboarding process. In turn, this can help Pi Network to appear more trustworthy to potential new customers.

Meaning of Pi Network KYC Review in Progress

“Pi Network KYC Review in Progress” means that the necessary Know Your Customer (KYC) processes or documents required by a Pi Network have not yet been completely received, reviewed, or approved. In other words, the process of verifying the customer’s identity and ensuring that they meet the necessary regulations has not yet been completed.

The term “review in progress” implies that the process is ongoing and has not been finalized. It is important to submit the required KYC documents as soon as possible to avoid delays or disruptions in accessing the services offered by the Pi Network. We have heard of Pi KYC Not Working,  Pi coins are not migrated to Mainnet, etc.

Causes of Pi Network KYC Review in Progress

Pi Network a revolutionary cryptocurrency project, has taken the world by storm with its unique method of mining and decentralized currency. One of the important steps to becoming a fully-fledged Pi Network member is completing the Know Your Customer (KYC) process. While this process is meant to be quick and straightforward, some users may face difficulties that cause delays. 

The Speedy KYC Experience For the majority of Pi Network users, the KYC process is a breeze. It usually takes just 3 to 5 minutes to pass, ensuring a seamless onboarding experience. However, in some cases, users might find themselves waiting for weeks or even months without good verification. Let’s uncover some of the usual reasons behind these delays:

Mismatched Personal Details

One of the most common reasons for the Pi KYC review in progress is mismatched personal details between the information you provided during Pi registration and the details on the document you provided during the KYC request. To avoid seeing the Pi KYC wheel rolling perpetually on your profile ensure to provide documents that align with your correct personal details. Even if you do a change of name, the Pi Coreteam will review them before approving your KYC. If you fall victim to mismatched personal details the shortest cut to remain relevant with mining Pi Network is to create a new Pi network account (Download Pi network App and use WIKIDEKK as your Invitation code) with the correct details as they are on your verification document. 

Use of the Wrong Document for Verification

Pi Network specified the documents they accept for user KYC verification as outlined here. Choose from the ID types the one you have the right document then upload the document which you have chosen. When you choose the wrong document type and select another document that does not reflect your choice, the Pi Core team will think you want to game the system. Their action against your act will be to leave your Pi KYC in review in progress status. The worst is that some KYC processes are irreversible. 

Dim Pictures or Picture in Motion

Pi Network Core Team does not know their millions of users physically. Therefore, they compare a clear picture provided by the user with the picture on the document provided using facial recognition technology to get it done. We have heard scores of people gaming the system, but it has drastically minimized now. You can’t just game it anymore. Therefore, you are expected to provide a clear picture to ease your verification process. See how the Pi KYC verification process works and why gaming the system is becoming harder. Ensure to follow the KYC verification process stated here

When KYC Button Keeps Rotating

Sometimes,  after completing your KYC, you notice that the KYC button keeps rotating for weeks and even months despite your best efforts. In this case, you assume that your KYC process may be stuck. Well, it happens sometimes. When it happens, don’t worry much. Pi Network typically offers a resubmission button that allows you to make corrections and reattempt the KYC verification process. Patience is the key at this point – give it some time, and the button should appear to help you resolve the problem.

However, Pi Network’s KYC review in progress is a crucial step on your road to becoming a full-fledged participant in this innovative cryptocurrency ecosystem. While most users breeze through the verification process, review in progress can occur due to mismatched names, incorrect document choices, unclear pictures, or a stuck KYC status.

By taking the time to ensure your details are accurate, selecting the right identity document, giving clear pictures, and patiently waiting for a resubmission button if necessary, you can overcome these common obstacles and enjoy the full benefits of Pi Network membership.

Pi Network KYC Review in Progress – What to do

If you have completed your Pi KYC (Know Your Customer) process for the Mainnet and your application is still in Review in Progress within the expected timeframe, there are a few steps you can take:

  1. Contact the Pi Network Support: Reach out to the PI Network support team or customer service to inquire about the status of your review in progress. They should be able to provide you with information on the review in progress with your KYC verification.
  2. Check for Updates or Announcements: Visit the official PI Network website, social media channels, or community forums to see if there are any updates or announcements regarding review in progress or known issues with the KYC process. The PI Network team may have given any relevant information to users.
  3. Provide Additional Information: If requested, ensure that you have submitted all the required documents and information for the KYC process correctly. Double-check that you have provided accurate and valid information to avoid any potential delays in reviewing your KYC.
  4. Be Patient: review in progress can sometimes take longer than anticipated due to various factors, such as a high volume of KYC submissions or technical challenges. The PI Network team may be working through a backlog of KYC verifications, and your KYC will be reviewed in due course.
  5. Follow-Up: If you haven’t received a response from the support team or the situation persists, consider sending a follow-up message or reaching out to the PI Network support team again to inquire about the status of your PI KYC review. Provide any important details or information they may require to assist you further.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my Pi KYC still showing a review in progress for over 3 months now?

  1.      It’s probably an error in your application.
  2.     Invalid ID or ID is not clear enough to verify your information.
  3.     And the usual case is that it does take some time to verify.
  4.     Depends on the availability of validators in your region. Probably insufficient validators in your region.

How can I cancel my KYC application in PI which has been under review in progress for almost 2 months?

Suppose you have submitted a KYC (Know Your Customer) application in PI and it has been under review in progress for almost 2 months, and you want to cancel it. In that case, you should contact the customer support team of PI to request the cancellation of your KYC application.

What are the requirements for identity proofs for KYC?

The requirements for identity proofs for KYC in Pi Network are:

  •  First name
  •  Middle name (optional)
  • Last name
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth
  • Document ID number
  • The expiry date of ID
  •  Country of Residence

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