Markets | Sell or buy coins

Trade your crypto assets (coins, tokens, NFTs) for real money (fiat), whether listed or not on the crypto exchange.

Currency PairsLatest Price (₦)Trade Now
BTC-Buy Sell
ETH-Buy Sell
USDT-Buy Sell
Coins in ExchangeExchange RateBuy Sell
Price varies with quantity. Chat us up always for updated price.

See more crypto airdrops.

Ensure to register with any of the exchanges below to trade your coins.

Binance logoBinanceJoin Buy Sell
Bybit exchange logoBybitJoin Buy Sell
OkXJoin Buy Sell
Bitget logoBitgetJoin Buy Sell
gate io logoGate.ioJoin Buy Sell
Kucoin exchange logoKuCoinJoin Buy Sell
HTX exchange logoHTXJoin Buy Sell
Mexc exchange logoMEXCJoin Buy Sell
Nexo exchange logoNexoJoin Buy Sell
lbank exchange logoLBankJoin Buy Sell

Before you trade, ensure that you;

  1. Have passed your KYC
  2. Have a valid address
  3. Have transferrable balance
  4. Can transfer the coin, token or points

How to trade with Finbutton

  1. Chat us up
  2. Negotiate a buying/selling price (Be direct and simple)
  3. Transfer to or drop the wallet address
  4. Receive or make payments
  5. Confirm transaction

Disclaimer: Do not use any crypto-related term(s) in your bank transfer narration. You will lose your money and (or) your digital asset. We are not liable for the loss you may incur doing so.

Other Services

  1. P2P Escrow services
  2. Coaching
  3. Airdrop market
  4. Exchange market

We love one thing and that is referrals

We are known for one thing and that is special customer care.

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What is an airdrop market?

An airdrop market is a platform where mined coins or claimed tokens whether listed on the Exchange Market or not are transacted. The buyer and the seller decide the price to exchange their currencies.

One Comment on “Markets | Sell or buy coins”

  1. I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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