Sell Athene token at high rate | See where and when to sell

How to sell Athene token

Before you sell the Athene Network token, know this. Athene token is not listed on the crypto exchange yet. We will update you when that starts. Meanwhile, Athene is currently trading on its closed system and can be converted to tradable real dollars or cashed out on crypto exchanges like Binance, OkX, ByBit, etc. This is still a secret many are yet to know. This article will reveal it to you. This is because;

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Previously, we discussed the best ways to complete Athene KYC and get approved in 2 minutes and how to increase your Athene mining rate. We also discussed how to sell Athene to the biggest buyers. This article will show you how to sell Athene token, send or transfer Athene to other Athene users.

How to sell Athene token

There are two ways to sell Athene tokens as of the time of this article and they are;

  1. P2P
  2. Athene conversion to dollar

How to sell Athene via P2P

Now to sell Athene via P2P you need to have an instant messaging app like WhatsApp, Telegram or social media apps like Twitter, Facebook, etc.

In this article, I will show you how to sell via P2P on our WhatsApp channel, which I trust now and always.

  • Join our WhatsApp community
  • Advertise that you are selling Athene token
  • Interested buyers will drop chats with you
  • Do your bidding (negotiations). It can happen in dm
  • Once you conclude, ask the buyer to pay an escrow admin in the group who will ensure the transaction goes smoothly to avoid scams.
  • The admin will confirm the reception of the payment
  • You send the token to the buyer
  • The buyer confirms
  • The admin will send your money directly to the account details you provide.


Note: Do not transact in DMs. Insist that an admin stands in for escrow to avoid losing your precious coin. 

Currently selling tokens

How to sell Athene via Athene-Dollar conversion

This happens within the Athene network app. We teach this in masterclasses. If you are interested join now.

How to send an Athene token to Another Athene user

Now that you have learnt how to sell Athene, it is time to learn how to send the Athene token to the buyer. The buyer must have an Athene account. See how to create an Athene account. Follow the guidelines below to transfer Athene tokens.

  • On your Athene dashboard, click on the asset income close to the home icon at the bottom of the app
  • Click on send
  • Four options will appear for you to send tokens.
  • Select “Transfer internal within the Athene Network”
  • Click the “ATH” tab
  • Enter the amount of ATH you want to sell
  • Add the recipient’s email address
  • Click “Send OTP”
  • Copy the OTP code sent to your email and add it to the OTP verification field
  • Click Send.
  • Allow it to send. That’s all.

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