How to Create an account on Bitget Exchange | Updated Guide

bitget exchange

Claim a $1300 welcome bonus when you register on Bitget now. How to create an account on Bitget is simple if you follow the steps in this article. As one of the major exchanges in the crypto space, you need to be careful while registering and make sure to get things right to avoid losing your funds.

Carefully read this article to understand how to create an account on Bitget Exchange.

Step-by-step guide on how to create a Bitget account

  1. Go to the Google Play Store to download the Bitget app to get started
  2. Tap on the app after installation is completed to open
  3. Click on “sign up”. Use 7F92L647 as an invitation code to get up to a $1300 welcome bonus.
  4. Enter your email address or phone number
  5. Confirm your details
  6. Your account is ready.
  7. Proceed to KYC
  8. Need help or instant updates? Join Finbutton now on Twitter | Facebook | Telegram WhatsApp

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How to create an account on Bitget Exchange on Desktop

  1. You can sign up through the Bitget official website or download the Chrome extension
  2. Search Bitget in your Chrome and click on it. Use 7F92L647 as an invitation code to get up to a $1300 welcome bonus.
  3. See by the top right-hand corner of the page and click on add extension
  4. You can open the extension
  5. Provide your details as required; email or phone number
  6. Verify your details and submit

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Grab Bitget sign-up bonus

Bitget is offering a sign-up bonus of up to $1300 for all new users who use 7F92L647 as an invitation code. However, there is a step-by-step guide on how to be among the lucky ones.

First of all, you need to complete the registration and KYC process and deposit any amount to trade with on the exchange.

You can deposit and trade more often on the exchange to earn more interesting rewards.

About Bitget exchange

Bitget is a cryptocurrency exchange platform headquartered in Singapore. It provides cryptocurrency services for spot, futures, copy trading, derivates, NFTs, and lots more.

It has become a trusted and popular exchange platform among others with robust trading tools, a user-friendly platform, and strong security measures.

It was founded in 2018 by Sandra Lou and Gracy Chen. Gracy Chen is currently the CEO of the platform succeeding Sandra Lou who has been the CEO since the launch of the platform.

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