7 Best tools for airdrop hunters | Professional guides

airdrop hunter

87% of airdrop hunters miss money-making opportunities because of not having the basic tools for crypto airdrop hunting and lack of information. Crypto airdrops involve many things, but most crypto influencers will not tell you.

The bitter truth is that people who avoid the fundamentals of crypto face harsh realities later in their crypto journey. Smart people learn from the mistakes of others and adhere to realities other than fantasies and hypes.

While crypto airdrops provide people with endless opportunities to earn passive income, having the basic tools for crypto airdrop hunting saves you stress.

Therefore, take every piece of information on this page seriously and act accordingly if you want to make money in crypto airdrop hunting this year. It won’t be free soonest. Believe it and don’t procrastinate, even if you don’t understand.

Discover the 7 best tools for crypto airdrop hunters without which you cannot go far, how they work, strategies to make huge passive income, how to sell your airdrop tokens, how to identify scam airdrops and more. If you are a beginner, see all you need to know about airdrop.

At Finbutton, our mission is to help young people become financially successful. Follow us on Twitter now to get the latest airdrops and more.

This article could make up a novel but we have reduced it to a page to give you a straight-to-point guide and save you time. I hope you can help others by sharing it. Let us begin.

Crypto airdrop hunter websites

Professional airdrop hunters know legit websites for airdrop hunting. Start with;

  1. Finbutton
  2. Coinmarketcap
  3. Crypto exchanges.
  4. Airdrop hunting site
  5. Telegram

Crypto exchanges for crypto airdrop hunters

The crypto exchanges below all have airdrop pages. Register in most of them through their apps if you are in Nigeria since most registration links are blocked. Don’t forget to use our referral codes to help us guide you better.

Binance logoBinanceJoin Buy Sell
Bybit exchange logoBybitJoin Buy Sell
OkXJoin Buy Sell
Bitget logoBitgetJoin Buy Sell
gate io logoGate.ioJoin Buy Sell
Kucoin exchange logoKuCoinJoin Buy Sell
HTX exchange logoHTXJoin Buy Sell
Mexc exchange logoMEXCJoin Buy Sell
Nexo exchange logoNexoJoin Buy Sell
lbank exchange logoLBankJoin Buy Sell

Crypto wallets

  1. Metamask
  2. Bitget wallet
  3. Okx wallet
  4. Trust wallet
  5. Phantom
  6. Solfare

Social media platforms

You need accounts on the social media platforms below. To avoid issues, create multiple accounts if you can.

  1. Twitter/X – Follow Finbutton
  2. Discord
  3. Facebook
  4. Telegram – See the Telegram airdrops that will cook this year.
  5. Tiktok

Basic knowledge required

You must have some basic knowledge of crypto. Content on these coming soon. Subscribe to get updated.

  1. Airdrop basics for beginners
  2. Scam airdrops
  3. Contract address and how to import Contract Address (CA)
  4. How to add Blockchain to a wallet
  5. Crypto exchanges
  6. Airdrop markets
  7. How to sell on Exchanges
  8. How to send/receive

Airdrop markets

Here you can trade your airdrop tokens even when they are not listed on major crypto exchanges. The Pi coin is one of such airdrops. See the latest crypto airdrops.

Currency PairsLatest Price (₦)Trade Now
BTC-Buy Sell
ETH-Buy Sell
USDT-Buy Sell
Coins in ExchangeExchange RateBuy Sell
Price varies with quantity. Chat us up always for updated price.

Airdrop scams

The popularity and ubiquity of crypto airdrops have the interest of scammers. And there are thousands of scam airdrops out there. See how to identify crypto airdrop scams.

Opportunities in crypto

Crypto is the only space that provides you endless opportunities to make money with/without any Investment. Some may not come up to expectations. But some will outperform well such that you can have financial freedom.

Above all, keep learning! More updates on finbutton.com

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At Finbutton, we’re dedicated to helping our followers become financially successful. Like a watchful owl, we’re always there to provide helpful information and tools for financial success.
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