Metamask wallet | Ultimate wallet for crypto transactions

Metamask wallet

Metamask wallet, the digital wallet for everything cryptocurrencies for anyone in the crypto space. Do not miss out on having an account with Metamask if involved in crypto activities including airdrops and app development.

What is Metamask Wallet

Metamask wallet in layman’s understanding is a digital pocket for storing cryptocurrencies just like a normal physical wallet or women’s handbag popularly called a purse.

Professionally or technically, Metamask wallet is a self-custodial wallet that allows users to buy, store, send, spend & exchange cryptocurrencies. Interestingly, Metamask enables users to make or receive payments to or from anywhere.

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How to download Metamask wallet app

Metamak wallet app runs on web browsers as standard websites & web extensions, mobile apps (Android and iPhone) and desktop apps on Windows and Apple computers. However, this article teaches how to download the Metamask wallet app on mobile devices.

How to download the Metamask wallet app on an Android phone

  • Launch the Google Play Store app on your Android phone
  • On the search box, enter “Metamask Wallet”.
  • Click on install and allow the app to download completely
  • Open the app and start the registration process. See the procedures below. Join our community on WhatsApp to learn more

How to download the Metamask wallet app on iPhone

  • Launch the App Store app on your iPhone
  • On the search box, enter “Metamask Wallet”.
  • Click on install and allow the app to download completely
  • Open the app and start the registration process.

How to register on Metamask wallet app

The registration process on Metamask is the same across all the platforms. This article assumes you are new to Metamask.  Therefore, we may not talk about “import wallet”.

  • Load the app on your device
  • “Import wallet” and “Create a wallet” options will appear.
  • Click on “Create a Wallet” if you are a new user
  • Enter a six-digit password
  • confirm it
  • Add your email address
  • Confirm your email address
  • Save your recovery passphrase
  • Congratulations! You have created the account.

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Is Metamask wallet legit or a scam?

As of the time of this article, we have not seen a report about it being a scam. Meanwhile, you can see scam airdrops here.

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