Bitget KYC | Quick guide to KYC on Bitget Exchange [Updated]

Bitget KYC verification

Bitget KYC is a must-do for every user to be able to trade on the platform. However, a lot of things could go wrong if verification is not done properly.

Meanwhile, you must have registered on Bitget and meet some criteria before you use Bitget or complete your KYC process.

Read further through this article to understand more about Bitget KYC.

Bitget KYC requirements

To be able to complete Bitget KYC, users must;

  1. Be from an eligible country
  2. Have clear documents such as passport, NIN, SSN, etc
  3. Be ready to use the platform in agreement with the terms and conditions
  4. Be in a well-lit environment

Bitget-supported countries include but are not limited to Mainland China, India, Israel, Pakistan, and Nigeria.

Bitget unsupported countries are; Canada (Alberta), Crimea, Cuba, Donetsk, Hong Kong, Iran, Luhansk, North Korea, Singapore, Sudan, Syria, United States, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Central African Rep, Congo (Kinshasa). You can check your country’s eligibility before you apply for KYC.

Step-by-step guide on how to complete Bitget KYC

  1. Open your Bitget app
  2. Create an account carefully if you haven’t else click “Verify Now”.
  3. Click on the avatar icon that indicates your profile
  4. Complete the KYC levels by clicking on each of them; KYC 1,2
  5. KYC 1 requires you to provide your ID (National ID, driver’s license, passport), check the type of ID required and provide it correctly
  6. Then KYC 2 requires you to verify your address, you can provide a utility bill, electricity bill or any other required document to prove the address you entered
  7. Verify them, submit your KYC request and await approval
  8. If your KYC is approved, you’ll receive an email informing you of the success of your KYC
  9. Congratulations, you can now trade on Bitget for P2P, spot etc
  10. Need help or instant updates? Join Finbutton now on Twitter| Facebook | Telegram WhatsApp

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What to know about Bitget KYC

For starters, you need to understand that Bitget is one of the major centralized exchanges that allow users to trade their cryptocurrencies. This platform also features a Web3 wallet for easy transactions.

Over time, a lot of tokens and coins are already listed and more are being listed on the platform. Therefore, the Bitget KYC is a compulsory action if you want to use the platform for your exchanges and it doesn’t require so much time.

Bitget Web3 Wallet

Bitget is an interesting platform, if you don’t want to use the main platform for your trading and all you need is the web3 wallet, you can get it without KYC.

  • Simply go to the Google Play Store
  • Search for Bitget wallet
  • Download it, you can use it immediately without doing a KYC.
  • It is different from the main app but you can sign in with the same email address.

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